Monday, March 31, 2008

lower case semantic web

"lower-case semantic web" is simple semantics with microformats, don't try to "define the world", small pieces loosely joined, add semantics to today's web rather than create a future web, user centric design, humans first, machines second, "people are helping to create metadata". (tantek)

so the MicroWeb is a sort of lower case semantic web.

how does this integrate with kingsley idehen's "Linked Data Web", which replaces "semantic" with "linked" and puts the focus on the fact that this Web will not acting at the level of "documents" with "URL"s, but data objects/entities with URIs?

isn't the MicroWeb based on a kind of "documents" that at the same time ARE linkable data objects? like "microcontent/microformat chunks", both human-usable and machine-usable.

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