Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The CloudBook

(#) In fact the Microcontent Radio Client is a sort of virtual machine: an instance of "The CloudBook", but running on devices parallely with the more traditional "virtual machines": the Typewriter, the Desktop, the Database, the Phone, the MailClient, the InstantMessenger ...:

Nick Carr, who has just written a book alerting the world to "The Big Switch" (a title so appropriate I wrote a blurb for the book) from PC to the cloud, has also coined a neat term for this gadget: the CloudBook. On his blog he lists the attributes he imagines for the CloudBook, which he fantasies could be designed by Apple and run on Google's servers. The device is primarily a well-designed screen with powerful batteries and an embedded wifi card ...

1 comment:

gregory said...

forces going against the cloud concept... content increasing faster than bandwidth, internet surveillance, monitoring, filtering, government control, vulnerability of complex systems, (twitter and cable cuts foreshadow), wars, emp from sun or bomb, greed and control desires of corporations... a long list, actually... though i appreciate the concept, it may take awhile